We create and disclose value for our clients by empowering their data to improve their processes and to create new forms of sustained competitive advantages. We do so, by applying the sharpness of the human mind and the most advanced technologies to the constant stream of data the market generates.


Valuement is an International consulting company

We provide data-driven insights to upgrade strategy and operating models.

For over ten years we’ve been providing a wide range of auditing & consulting services to top-tier retail organizations in up to twenty countries worldwide, resulting in Millions of Euros of concrete benefits recovered for our clients.

We are a fast-paced growing company attracting, developing and incorporating the best talents to provide our clients with a result-oriented team and with unrivalled natural focus on their needs.

Indeed, by merging together a deep knowledge of the retail industry dynamics, with business consulting competences and data science we can support and guide our clients in their search and implementation of new and long-term forms of competitiveness.

Our determination and perseverance set us apart and give us the ability to cope with the unexpected.
Our single most important commitment to our clients: always being there for them.
We recognize and understand the needs of our teams and clients, we go out to meet them.
Our capacity to reconfigure our business concepts to any situation, need or organization.

Value driven approach and growth efficiency

ADDed VALUE Continuous ImproveMENT

Valuement is driven by a strong work-ethic and a well-defined philosophy.

We commit to always deliver the most suitable response to clients’ needs and to always keep improving the quality of our outputs for clients, as well as the quality of our entire Service Line.

Thanks to this philosophy and our proven track record, more than 100 C-level executives trust Valuement as a stable partnership.

We divided our offering into two main areas: Auditing & Consulting. One for appraisal and search on best practices and policies, the other to improve and add real value while ensuring constant support in the process management.

But our core value offering goes far beyond the boundaries of one Service Line. Our expertise in profit recovery strategies and our dedication in optimizing companies’ operating models, core business processes and human resources practices enables our Clients to achieve higher profit margins and respond efficiently to the changing market forces.

From problem to Competitive Advantage.

A problem can be the springboard for conquering new frontiers, that’s what we demonstrated along our Business experience.

Indeed, many companies came to us with an issue to then discover they could do more than just fix it. They could build on that. Like no-one was doing.

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1st Anniversary of Valuement in the Mantu Ecosystem
A message from our C.E.O. Stefano Frassà on the 1st anniversary of Valuement in the Mantu #ecosystem “In this first year, the main foundations for the future of the scalability of the Valuement group have been laid. We have achieved great milestones in the integration process and in the development of synergies. We are pursuing our growth path with diligence and the support and contribution of Mantu will help us accelerate. I am proud of what we have achieved together and looking forward to a bright future. Thank you to our talented people for their great work.” #Valuement #Anniversary #ThankYou #WeAreMantu
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4 main challenges of internal control in an increasingly digital world
🌐 In an increasingly #digital #world, companies end up facing more and more challenges to sustain and maintain internal control. 📅 Join Valuement's #Webinar on November 9th! Anthony Seifert (CIO), Vincenzo Miani (Head of Business), & Mihai-Alexandru Dinu (Middle East Country Manager) will provide you with practical solutions and opportunities for quick wins. We will be addressing the below: 💡 Two #HR challenges: talent shortage and the need for continuous #training. 💡 Effective solutions to prioritize internal #audits in the company’s #budget. 💡 How to deal with #bigdata and identify #technological tools for performing the job. 💡 Opportunities to turn #time lag in your favor. The Webinar will stream on #MicrosoftTeams Seminar and will last from 13:30 GMT+1 (16:30 GMT+4) till 14:00 GMT+1 (17:00 GMT+4). You can #register directly here: 👈 Registration is #mandatory. ❓Live Q&A: 5 minutes will be reserved at the end of the Webinar for your questions to our speakers! We look forward to seeing you there! #Webinar #Valuement #InternalControl  
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Integration Post: Valuement & Mantu
💡 Valuement has been part of the Mantu ecosystem since November 2021. Thanks to the synergetic environment developed with Mantu, our two committed teams are working closely to achieve one purpose: tomorrow’s success! 🤝 Our offices in Paris and Bucharest allow our teams to work together and support each other every step of the way to get the most efficient results: because we’re stronger together. We believe that working one next to the other encourages #curiosity#cultural #exchange, and #dynamism. We want our #talented people to play an active role in tomorrow’s change. Thank you to everyone for making our #ecosystem every day more #unique! 👇 Comment below – what’s synergy for you? #Valuement #Synergy #MantuEcosystem #WeAreMantu #Paris #Bucharest #Office
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Case-Study: “How to recover and improve product category performance?”
💡 How to recover and improve product category performance?
Valuement shares with you its case study on the matter as we know most businesses are dealing with category management issues. Applying the right solution is not easy which is why Valuement is here every step of the way.
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How does Reveal work?
💡 How does Reveal work? Discover the 4 steps of our digital platform but rest assured that our experts will guide you every step of the way!
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our 5 service lines
Discover our 5 service lines. Our offering is divided into two main areas: Auditing & Consulting. One for appraisal and search on best practices and policies, the other to improve and add real value while ensuring constant support in the process management.
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The 3 Benefits of Reveal
Reveal, our digital platform has many advantages for you financial departments. 💡 Financial Savings, Time Savings and Process Optimization are three of the key advantages.
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Artificial Intelligence makes it possible to discover cash!
#ArtificialIntelligence makes it possible to discover cash! While doubts persist about the real ROI of #AI solutions for finance, #Reveal proves to #CFOs that the question is no more. Reveal allows #FinancialDepartments to easily process data and extract value that directly impacts the bottom line. Concretely, our customers recover on average 0.05% of their purchase amounts in less than 3 months.
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How to prevent payment fraud?
💡 How to prevent payment fraud? Valuement shares with you its case study on the matter as we know most business are dealing with payment fraud. Applying the right solution is not easy which is why Valuement is here every step of the way.
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Our Clients = Our priorities
Our clients are always our priorities! This is why at Valuement, we support you every step of the way! Focus on you, confidentiality, collaboration and convenience are our principles!
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We are part of Mantu!

Mantu is an independent international consulting player, founded in 2007. Bringing together expert and complementary brands, Mantu stands out for the breadth of its spectrum, responding to all business transformation challenges. Its activities are divided into four practices: Leadership & Advocacy, Technology, Digital Marketing & Experience, Total Talent Management.

A wide range of skills, all serving a single mission: connecting and powering companies with leading teams and technology to succeed faster and sustainably.

From its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, Mantu relies on a community of 11,500 talented people in more than 60 countries on 5 continents and has a turnover of 1 billion euros.

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